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螢幕截圖 2024-12-31 下午5.32.34.jpg

We build the

Circular Planting Ecosystem.

We aspire installing EC Flow System in every planting site to realize circular planting ecosystem of low-cost and emission-free. 

Realize the transition from
Traditional Planting to Circular Planting

Anchor 1

Traditional Linear Planting

螢幕截圖 2025-03-09 上午2.27.49.png
螢幕截圖 2025-03-09 下午10.30.16.png

Circular Planting

螢幕截圖 2025-03-20 下午4.28.26.png

Our Solution

EC Flow System is a small-scale device that can be connected to agricultural or municipal waste streams/wastewater tanks. Through its breakthrough electrocatalytic technology, it upcycles planting wastewater/brown water into 50% customized nutrient solutions and 50% clean water. The AIOT-controlled parameters tuning caters to the needs of different types of plants under different planting conditions, securing longer lifetime & shorter growing cycle for each type of plant.

Applicable Sites

螢幕截圖 2024-12-30 下午12.24.22.png

Rooftop Gardens

螢幕截圖 2024-12-30 下午12.29.15.png

Vertical Greeneries

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Agricultrual wastewater treatment

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